Hair curlers take on a sinister look and miracle creams blotch the page on these oversized drawings. Drips and smudges soil the
paper dirtying the very products sold to increase female attractiveness.
Charcoal on paper (2024)


The colors in these works are derrived from product packaging meant to evoke sensations such as taste and scent or
qualities like effectiveness and value. The pieces bring color taken out of the charcoal drawings, back into play. Repetitive
lines are woven together in compositions that use commercial palettes in abstract ways.
Gouache on paper (2023-2024)


The simple, but familiar shapes of these common household products become personal icons, charms, or emblems to
everyday life. Fingerprints and smudges happen naturally in the process of making the drawings, personalizing these
“mass-produced” products. The text is open to interpretation, further blurring the line between the objects, how they
are used and our connections to everyday goods.  
Charcoal and Conte on Paper (2022-2023)


A collection of drawings from a series of everyday products distilled down to generic silhouettes covered in fingerprints.
The utilitarian items speak to concepts of “women’s work” and examine how we connect with goods when they are not
covered in marketing messages of particular brands.
Charcoal and Conte on Paper (2022)
Press Release

See the companion piece, sculpture installation In Stores Now.


I cut out product imagery from mass market junk mail so it can be seen in a different light. Playing with color,
line, shape and composition, the pieces personalize mass market items and distinguishes them from the crowd.
Collage, Colored Pencil, Colored Paper, Gouache and ink on Paper (2019-2022)


Using imagery sourced from supermarket flyers, glossy catalogs, ads and promotions that come in the
mail every day, these works organize consumer items to re-think ideas of value, commerce or exchange.
Collage on Paper (2014-present)


These drawings remove the images from their urban surroundings and isolate them on the page. Individual
trucks or scenes are highlighted and bring attention to the underground economies that feed on cardboard
cast-offs and question how we understand those "value-less" materials.
Acrylic and ink on paper (2007 - 2009)


These drawings blend natural and urban textures as a way to reconsider our relationship
to nature, consumer culture, waste, restoration and conservation.
Acrylic on paper (2008)


Made while working on the installation Uproot, these drawings explore some of the qualities
of the natural world while returning consumer waste to a more natural state.
Acrylic on paper (2008)